Birds in Suriname, South America Dutch text English text Vogels in Suriname/Birds in Suriname

This page is not available in Dutch, sorry. For lists of older additions See 2015-16

All recent pictures were made in Suriname. Some older ones come from neigbouring countries.

Additions to this site, August 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture or sound from Suriname on this site :


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    B. Vreden American Pygmy Kingfisher
    Jean-Louis Rousselle Osprey
    Valdano Samson Squirrel Cuckoo
    Daniël van Duuren Snail Kite
    Hans Majong Boat-billed Heron
    idem Tricolored Heron young in July
    idem Littel Blue Heron young in July
    Dominiek Plouvier Glittering-throated Emerald
    idem Plain-bellied Emerald
    idem Black-throated Mango
    idem Green-throated Mango
    idem White-headed Marsh-Tyrant
    idem Brown-throated Parakeet
    idem Burrowing Owl
    idem Crab hawk
    idem Roadside Hawk
    idem Black-collared hawk
    idem Striated Heron
    idem Great Black-Hawk
    idem Pectoral Sandpiper
    Dominiek Plouvier Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Least Sandpiper
    idem Yellow-chinned Spinetail
    idem Amaerican Pygmy Kingfisher
    idem Semi-palmated Plover
    idem Hook-billed Kite
    idem Maguari Stork
    idem Common Ground-Dove
    idem Spot-breasted Woodpecker
    idem Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
    idem Lineated Woodpecker
    idem Little Blue Heron
    Dominiek Plouvier Pied Water-Tyrant
    idem Green-rumped Parrotlet
    idem Crane Hawk
    idem Slender-billed Kite
    idem Barn Swallow
    idem Tricolored Heron
    idem Yellow Oriole
    idem Plumbeous Kite
    idem Wattled Jacana
    idem White Hawk
    idem Gray-headed Kite
    idem Red-breasted Blackbird
    idem Yellow-headed Caracara
    idem Shiny Cowbird
    idem Rusty-margined Flycatcher
    idem Brown-crested Flycatcher
    idem Hooded Tanager
    idem Great Potoo
    idem Osprey
    idem White-winged Becard
    idem Mouse-colored Tyrannulet
    idem Black-headed Parrot in Peperpot
    idem Little Cuckoo
    idem Ash-throated Crake
    idem Crested Caracara
    idem Gray-breasted Martin
    idem Brown-chested Martin
    idem Black-necked Aracari
    idem Spectacled Owl
    idem Toco Toucan
    idem White-throated Toucan
    idem Snail Kite
    idem Black-crested Antbird
    idem Grayish Saltator
    idem Lesson's Seedeater
    idem Turquoise Tanager
    Dominiek Plouvier Barred Antshrike
    idem Lesser Yellowlegs
    idem Least Sandpiper together with Spotted Sandpiper
    idem Green-backed Trogon
    idem Bare-eyed Thrush
    idem Gray Kingbird
    idem Fork-tailed Flycatcher
    idem Blood-colored Woodpecker

    Additions to this site, July 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture or sound from Suriname on this site :


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    Hans Majong Red-rumped Cacique
    Cheryll Grayish Saltator feeding a young
    Dominiek Plouvier Crested eagle at the border of Paramaribo
    idem Green Ibis
    idem Hook-billed Kite immature light morph
    idem Mouse-colored tyrannulet on its nest
    idem Striped Cuckoo
    idem Yellow Oriole sound
    idem White-throated Toucan sound
    idem Striped Woodcreeper sound
    idem Great Antshrike sound

    Additions to this site, June 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture or sound from Suriname on this site :


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    Pieter Teunissen Yellow-rumped Cacique nests with wasp nest
    Erik Toorman Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-Gleaner first for this bird, but not to sharp a picture
    Klaas de Jong Roseate Spoonbill
    idem Blue-cheeked Parrot
    idem White-headed Marsh-Tyrant
    idem Scarlet Macaw
    idem Burrowing Owl
    idem White-banded Swallow
    idem Black-collared Swallow
    idem Point-tailed Palmcreeper
    idem Brown Jacamar
    idem White-tailed Hawk
    idem Zone-tailed Hawk
    Klaas de Jong Short-tailed Hawk
    idem Spotted Puffbird
    idem Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Green Honeycreeper
    idem Long-winged Harrier
    idem Bicolored Conebill
    idem Long-tailed Tyrant
    idem Spot-breasted Woodpecker
    idem Black Caracara with fish
    idem Musician Wren
    idem Red-legged Honeycreeper
    Klaas de Jong Lineated Woodpecker
    idem Swallow-tailed Kite
    idem Rufous-crowned Elaenia
    idem Bronzy Jacamar
    idem Pearl Kite
    idem Masked yellowthroat
    idem Rufous-breasted Hermit
    idem Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
    Klaas de Jong Slender-billed Kite
    idem White-breasted Wood-Wren
    idem Ladder-tailed Nightjar
    idem Great Jacamar
    idem Black-headed Gull
    idem Gray-headed Kite
    idem Short-tailed Nighthawk first on this site
    idem Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
    idem Guianan Streaked-Antwren
    Klaas de Jong Brown-crested Flycatcher
    idem White-lored Tyrannulet
    idem Red-and-black Grosbeak
    idem Capuchinbird
    idem Large-billed Tern with fish
    idem Long-tailed hermit
    idem Black-bellied Cuckoo
    idem Capped heron
    idem White-fronted Manakin
    idem Caribbean Martin
    idem Green Oropendola
    idem Purple-throated Fruitcrow
    idem White-throated Toucan coming out of a nest
    idem Fork-tailed Palm-Swift
    idem Bank Swallow first m Suriname
    idem King Vulture
    idem Striped Cuckoo
    idem Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher first on this site
    idem Guianan Trogon
    idem Gray Kingbird
    idem Southern Lapwing

    Additions to this site, May 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Dominiek Plouvier White-necked Jacobin
    idem Plumbeous Kite
    idem Large-billed Tern above the Suriname River
    idem Green Aracari
    idem Lesson's Seedeater from a group of thirty in May
    idem Black-tailed Tityra male and female near nest
    Gert Jonkers Black Curassow
    Vinay Sewbaran Yellow Oriole
    Christiaan van der Hoeven White-shouldered Tanager First picture of this bird on this site
    Erik Toorman Orange-winged Parrot
    idem White-headed Marsh-Tyrant
    idem Cinnamon Attila
    idem Zone-tailed Hawk
    idem Gray Hawk
    idem Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Least Sandpiper
    idem Muscovy Duck
    idem Semipalmated Sandpiper
    idem Yellow-chinned Spinetail
    Erik Toorman American Pygmy Kingfisher
    idem Semipalmated Plover
    idem Yellow Warbler
    idem Violaceous Euphonia
    idem Gull-billed Tern
    idem Ashy-headed Greenlet
    idem Pale-tipped Inezia
    idem Gray-fronted Dove
    idem Short-crested Flycatcher
    idem Swainson's Flycatcher
    idem Hooded Tanager
    idem Whimbrel
    idem House Sparrow in Parbo
    idem White-winged Becard
    idem Cinereous Becard
    idem Mouse-colored Tyrannulet
    idem Little Cuckoo
    idem Purple Gallinule
    idem Tropical Gnatcatcher
    idem Grayish Saltator
    idem Black Hawk-Eagle
    idem Eastern Meadowlark
    idem Northern Scrub-Flycatcher
    idem Pale-breasted Spinetail
    idem Plain-crowned Spineyail
    idem Barred Antshrike
    idem Spotted Flycatcher
    idem Solitary Sandpiper
    idem Bare-eyed Thrush
    idem Gray Kingbird
    idem Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet
    idem Blood-colored Woodpecker
    idem Straight-billed Woodcreeper

    Additions to this site, April 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Dominiek Plouvier Orange-winged Parrot
    idem Mealy Parrot
    idem Cinnamon Attila
    idem Least Sandpiper
    idem Crimson-crested Woodpecker
    Dominiek Plouvier Smooth-billed Ani
    idem Greater Ani
    idem Black-capped Donacobius pair
    idem Cattle Egret a lot of color in March
    Dominiek Plouvier Violaceous Euphonia pretty
    idem Brown-crested Flycatcher
    idem Mouse-colored Tyrannulet
    idem Lesser Kiskadee
    idem Tropical Gnatcatcher
    idem Brown-chested Martin Photo of migration on the earliest date till now, March 30
    idem White-winged Swallow
    idem Solitary Sandpiper
    idem Green-tailed Jacamar
    idem White-flanked Antwren
    idem Guianan Puffbird
    idem Rufescent Tiger-Heron found with plastic in its bill and saved
    idem Green-tailed Trogon
    Dominiek Plouvier Sunbittern
    idem Snowy Egret
    idem Streaked Flycatcher southern migrant M.m. solitarius
    idem White-winged Swallow
    idem White-lined Tanager
    idem Fork-tailed Flycatcher
    Rutger Lem Yellow-headed Caracara
    idem Arrowhead Piculet beautiful photo of our endemic bird
    idem Brown-throated Parakeet on a flower bearing the same Sranan name, 'krere krere'
    idem Straight-billed Woodcreeper
    idem Gliitering-throated Emerald
    idem Common Tody-Flycatcher a beautifully decorated nest
    Caroline Spertini Spix's Guan
    Erik Toorman Northern Scrub-Flycatcher
    idem Black-chinned Antbird first picture from Suriname on this site
    idem Olive-green Tyrannulet first picture on this site
    Arjan Dwarshuis Tiny Hawk
    idem Black-banded Owl
    idem Rose-breasted Chat first picture on this site
    idem Dusky Purpletuft
    idem Cinereous Mourner first picture on this site
    idem Guianan Red-Cotinga
    idem White-plumed Antbird
    idem Black Manakin
    Klaas de Jong Chestnut-belted Gnateater first picture on this site
    idem White-vented Euphonia first picture on this site
    Bram Vogels White-throated Pewee
    idem Thrush-like Antpitta
    idem Golden-green Woodpecker
    idem Great Tinamou
    idem Blue-backed Tanager First picture on this site
    Bram te Keurs Green-backed Becard First picture of this bird on this site

    Additions to this site, March 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Armida Madngisa Yellow-olive Flycatcher First picture of this bird from Suriname
    Erik toorman South American Snipe
    idem Brown-crested Flycatcher
    Klaas de Jong Eared Dove

    Additions to this site, February 2020:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Dominiek Plouvier Chestnut-fronted Macaw
    idem Orange-breasted Falcon
    idem Brown-chested Martin
    idem Spotted Sandpiper
    idem Gray Kingbird
    Serano Ramcharan Variegated Tinamou First proof of breeding in Suriname
    Erik Toorman Plain-crowned Spinetail
    idem South American Snipe
    Iling Tjon Pian Gi Striated Heron with big fish
    idem Laughing Falcon
    Ben van den Broek Ruddy Turnstone
    idem Cinnamon Attila
    idem Rufous Crab Hawk
    idem Gray Hawk
    idem Sanderling
    idem Semipalmated Sandpiper
    idem Willet
    idem Cayenne Jay
    idem Short-tailed Swift
    idem Yello-bellied Elaenia
    Ben van den Boek Swallow-tailed Kite
    idem Bat Falcon eating a bat
    idem Crane Hawk
    idem Gray-headed Kite
    idem Green Oropendola
    idem Channel-billed Toucan
    idem Black-tailed Tityra
    idem Green-backed Trogon
    idem Pale-breasted Thrush mating
    idem Straight-billed Woodcreeper
    idem Little Cuckook
    Pieter Kooijmans Cream-colored Woodpecker
    Klaas de Jong Blue Grounddove

    Additions to this site, November 2019:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Dominiek Plouvier Drab Water-Tyrant first photo from Suriname of this seldom seen bird
    Serano Ramcharan Broad-winged Hawk first photo from Suriname of this seldom seen bird and the first hard proof of its presence

    Additions to this site, September 2019:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Dominiek Plouvier Crimson-crested Woodpecker
    idem Hook-billed Kite
    idem Pale-vented Pigeon
    idem Ruddy Ground-dove
    idem Boat-billed Flycatcher
    idem Royal Flycatcher
    idem Tropical Gnatcatcher nest and young
    Dennis Binda Variegated Flycatcher
    idem Glossy-backed Becard
    idem Green Aracari
    idem White-throated Toucan
    idem Fulvous-crested Tanager
    Hans Majong Ruddy Ground-dove
    idem Short-crested Flycatcher
    idem Straight-billed Woodcreeper
    Jan Hein Ribot White-necked Jacobin high up, catching insects
    idem Green Aracari
    idem Channel-billed Toucan
    idem Palm Tanager with nesting material
    Raoul Ribot Glittering-throated Emerald
    idem Brown-throated Parakeet
    idem Roadside Hawk
    idem Black-collared Hawk
    idem Spotted Puffbird
    idem Yellow-throated Spinetail
    idem Smooth-billed Ani
    idem Lined Woodpecker
    idem Green-rumped Parrotlet
    idem Black Nunbird
    idem Silver-beaked Tanager
    idem Wing-barred Seedeater
    Raoul Ribot White-winged Swallow
    idem Barred Antshrike
    idem Blue-gray Tanager
    idem House Wren
    idem Jabiru
    idem Southern Lapwing
    Caroline Spertini Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant with nest in September
    idem Zigzag Heron first picture from Suriname on this site
    idem Sharpbill in Clusia grandiflora
    idem Collared Forest-Falcon pale morph with strange ear?
    idem Yellow-billed Jacamar
    idem Collared Puffbird
    idem Burrowing owl
    Ralf Boodo Orange-breasted Falcon
    idem Great Jacamar
    idem Crimson-hooded Manakin
    idem Black-throated Trogon
    John van der Klugt Striated heron with large catch

    Additions to this site, May-August 2019:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Eke van Batenburg Anhinga
    idem Rufous Crab-Hawk
    idem Blue-chinned Sapphire
    idem Black Vulture
    idem Scarlet Ibis
    Eke van Batenburg Little Blue Heron young bird together with resembling snowy egret
    idem Pied Water-Tyrant
    idem Tricolored Heron
    idem Pied Puffbird
    idem House Sparrow
    idem Black-headed Parrot
    idem Carib Grackle
    Dominiek Plouvier LesserYellow-headed Vulture
    idem Masked Yellowthroat
    idem Cinereous Becard
    idem Grayish Saltator
    Dominiek Plouvier Yellow-hooded Blackbird
    idem Ash-throated Crake
    idem Southern Martin with Gray-breasted Martins
    idem Ashy-headed Greenlet
    Hans Mahjong Roadside Hawk
    idem Piratic Flycatcher near someone's nest
    idem Short-crested Flyctacher
    idem Striped Cuckoo
    idem Yellow-headed Caracara
    Jean-Louis Rousselle White Ibis no photo from Suriname yet
    idem Eastern Meadowlark

    Additions to this site, Jan-april 2019:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Ton Plug Dusky Purpletuft First picture from Suriname, 19th reported observation
    idem Red-biled Pied-Tanager
    idem Paradise Jacamar
    idem Red-throated Caracara
    idem Swallow Tanager
    idem Yellow-billed Jacamar
    idem Guianan Warbling-Antbird
    idem Pied Puffbird
    idem Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle
    idem White-necked Thrush
    idem Guianan Toucanet
    idem Green Aracari
    Ton Plug Caica Parrot
    idem Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
    idem Plain-breasted Ground-Dove
    idem Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant
    idem Ornate Hawk-Eagle
    idem Channel-billed Toucan
    idem Common Scale-backed Antbird
    idem Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper
    idem Pygmy Antwren
    idem Rufous-throated Sapphire
    idem Red-fan Parrot
    idem Dusky Parrot
    idem Squirrel Cuckoo
    idem Bronzy Jacamar
    idem Laughing Falcon
    idem Wing-barred Seedeater
    idem Boat-billed Flycatcher
    idem Brown Jacamar
    idem Black-necked Stilt
    idem Greater Yellowlegs
    idem Cattle Egret
    idem Savanna Hawk
    idem Turkey Vulture
    idem Common Potoo
    idem Blue-headed Parrot
    Ton Plug Black-throated Mango
    idem White-throated Toucan
    idem Green Ibis
    idem Whimbrel
    Jean-Louis Rousselle Mourning Dove From Florida,first picture on this site
    idem Anhinga
    idem Roseate Spoonbill
    idem Wood Stork
    idem Great Egret
    Hans Majong Least Sandpiper
    idem Solitary Sandpiper
    idem Blue-grey Tanager
    Hans Dankbaar Pale-tipped Tyrannulet
    idem Yellow-chinned Spinetail

    Additions to this site, October-December 2018:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Sean Dilrosun Fiery-tailed Awlbill First picture from Suriname, fourth observation
    Hans Mahjong Brown-throated parakeet
    idem Yellow Warbler
    idem Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
    idem Gray-breasted Martin
    idem Carib Grackle
    idem House Wren
    Inge Bonninga Striated Heron
    Armida Madgnisa Common Potoo
    Frank Valk Black-crowned Night-Heron
    Tomas Willems Sandwich Tern
    idem Brown Boobies
    idem Laughing Gull
    idem Pomarine Jaeger
    idem Brown Pelican
    idem Magnificent Fregatebird
    Dick Lock Woodstork
    Jean-Louis Rousselle Blue-winged Teal
    idem Limpkin
    idem Anhinga
    idem green heron
    idem Common Gallinule
    idem Tricolored Heron
    idem Great Egret

    Additions to this site, August-September 2018:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Martin Reid Brown-throated parakeet
    idem Rufous Crab-Hawk
    idem Black-collared Hawk
    idem White-rumped Sandpiper
    idem Cream-collared Woodpecker
    idem Blackish Antbird
    idem Dusky Antbird
    idem Waved Woodpecker
    Martin Reid White-throated Manakin
    idem Chapman's Swift
    idem Musician Wren
    idem Rufous-crowned Elaenia
    idem Violaceus Euphonia
    idem White-fringed Antwren
    idem Green-tailed Jacamar
    idem Rufous-throated Antbird
    Martin Reid Black-eared Fairy
    idem Guianan Warbling-Antbird
    idem Buff-cheeked Greenlet
    idem Plumbeous Kite
    idem Pale-tipped Ineza
    idem Gray-fronted Dove
    idem Tufted Coquette first proof of breeding in Suriname
    idem Ferruginous-backed Antbird
    Martin Reid Forest Elaenia
    idem Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift
    idem Glossy-backed Becard
    idem Black-headed Antbird
    idem Crimson-hooded Manakin
    idem McConnells Flycatcher
    idem Golden-olive Woodpecker
    idem White-fronted Manakin
    Martin Reid Azure Gallinule
    idem Painted Parrot
    idem Ornate Hawk-Eagle
    idem White-winged Swallow
    idem Amazonian Antshrike
    idem Gray-crowned Flycatcher
    idem Sulphury Flycatcher
    idem Golden-collared Woodpecker
    idem Blood-colored Woodpecker
    Hans Mahjong Yellow Warbler just arrived in Suriname
    idem Turkey Vulture
    idem Violaceous Euphonia With nest material
    Lidwien Peterse Black Vulture
    idem Ruddy Ground-Dove
    idem Smooth-billed Ani
    idem Magnificent Fregatebird
    idem Tropical Mockingbird
    idem American Flamingo
    idem Crested Oropendola

    Additions to this site, July 2018:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Harry Valk Ruddy Turnstone
    idem Brown-throated Parakeet
    idem Yellow-chinned Spinetail at nest
    idem Lesser Nighthawk
    idem Gray-breasted Martin
    idem Spotted Sandpiper
    Frank Valk Maguari Stork
    idem Black Vulture
    idem Ruddy Grounddove
    idem Green-tailed Jacamar
    idem Tricolored Heron
    idem Wattled Jacana
    idem Red-breasted Blackbird
    idem Green Ibis
    idem Black Nunbird
    idem Wood Stork
    idem Great Potoo
    idem Black-crowned Night-Heron
    idem Marail Guan
    idem Squirrel Cuckoo
    idem Capped Heron
    idem Silver-beaked Tanager
    idem Fork-tailed Woodnymph
    idem Common Tody-Flycatcher
    idem Green-backed Trogon
    Hans Mahjong Black Vulture
    idem Striated heron
    idem Savanna Hawk
    idem Pale-breasted Thrush
    idem Spot-breasted Woodpecker
    idem Gray-breasted Martin
    idem Yellow Oriole bringing food at nest
    Armida Madngisa Tawny-bellied Schreech-Owl? rare bird
    Auke Hielkema Muscovy Duck High on Lely mountain
    idem Long-tailed Hermit on its nest, first proof in Suriname

    Additions to this site, June 2018:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    I-ling Tjon Pian Gi Limpkin adult with 5 newborn, photos and video
    idem Red-shouldered Macaw eating
    idem Striated Heron young in nest
    idem Barred Antshrike
    idem Gray-winged Trumpeter young chick
    Hans Mahjong Rufous Crab-Hawk
    idem Black-collared Hawk
    idem Laughing Falcon
    idem Gray-breasted Martin
    idem Spotted Tody-Flycatcher
    idem Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Palm Tanager
    idem Striated Heron
    idem Crested Caracara with a full orange crop after eating
    idem Little Blue heron
    Alies van Sauers-Muller Least Grebe
    Suzanne Essed Savannah Hawk video of a young bird attacking its mirror image
    Lidwien Peterse Gray-headed Kite

    Additions to this site, January-May 2018:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Cees Witkamp en Bert Kasius Audouin's Gull new for Suriname with picture, March 22 2018
    Sean and Gini Dilrosun-Treurniet Audouin's Gull the next day
    Jan Hein Ribot Audouin's Gull Spain
    Klaas de Jong Unknown Gull picture of a Kelp Gull or Lesser Black-backed Gull
    idem South American Snipe rare sight, first photo from Suriname on this site
    idem Crested owl
    idem King Vulture
    idem Yellow-billed Tern
    idem Greater Yellowlegs
    Armida Madngisa Pied-billed Grebe first picture from Suriname
    idem Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet What an excellent camouflage for the young bird!!
    idem Dusky-capped Flycatcher first photo from Suriname
    Wim Maats American Golden Plover Just about to fly further to the South
    Monique Pool Brown Pelican adult
    Frank Valk Rufous Crab-Hawk Weg naar Zee
    idem Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
    idem Long-tailed Hermit
    idem Fork-tailed Woodnymph
    idem Yellow-rumped Cacique with nest
    Michel Giraud-Audine Merlin with prey
    Hans Dankbaar Audouins Gull still around on the 9th of April
    Hans Mahjong Variable Seedeater nest found in May
    Hans Mahjong Roadside Hawk

    Additions to this site from September to December 2017:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Thomas Kerkhove en Luciano Doest Ring-necked Duck new for Suriname with picture
    Aernout Nieuwkerk Cocoa Thrush with two young in nest
    idem Rufous Crab-Hawk at Weg naar Zee of course
    idem Guianan Toucanet
    idem Purple Honeycreeper
    idem Scale-backed Antbird
    idem Musician Wren
    idem Waved Woodpecker
    idem Red-legged Honeycreeper feeding a young
    idem Sharpbill eating from a Clusia
    idem Red-shouldered macaw
    idem Red-breasted Blackbird
    idem Eastern Meadowlark
    idem Spot-breasted Woodpecker in front of a hole
    idem Squirrel Cuckoo
    Barbara Olmtak Great Potoo with young
    idem Whimbrel flying along the Commewijne behind a Willet
    idem Glittering-throated Emerald
    idem Willet flying along the Commewijne in front of a Whimbrel
    Jan Hein Ribot Blue-black Grassquit nest with two young
    idem Piratic Flycatcher
    idem Gray-lined Hawk with a big frog
    idem Violaceous Euphonia
    idem Wing-barred Seedeater
    idem Turquoise Tanager
    idem Ruddy Grounddove
    idem Red-bellied Macaw
    Hans Majong Spotted Sandpiper
    idem Crested Oropendola
    idem Scarlet Ibis
    idem Ruddy Turnstone
    idem Striped Owl
    Matthias Fernandez Lineated Woodcreeper
    idem Black-chinned Antbird First picture on this site: from French Guyana
    idem Fasciated Tiger-Heron
    idem Band-tailed Antshrike
    John Mittelmeier Swainson's Flycatcher The race from Sipaliwini
    Michel Giraud-Audine Least Grebe with young
    idem Ring-necked Duck bec cerclé

    Additions to this site during May, June 2017:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Hans Verhoeven White-chested Emerald First picture from Suriname, rare
    Hans Hellebuyck Grey-bellied Hawk First picture from Suriname, rare
    idem Green-bellied hummingbird
    idem Gray-breasted Sabrewing
    idem Black-banded Owl
    idem Cayenne Jay
    idem Red-throated Caracara
    idem Savanna Hawk
    idem Guianan Warbling-Antbird
    idem Spotted Tody-Flycatcher
    Hans Mahjong Ruddy Turnstone
    idem Yellow-headed Caracara
    idem Striped Owl
    Armida Madgnisa Plain-bellied Emerald
    Adam Dybich Mangrove Cuckoo
    idem Vermiculated Schreech-Owl
    idem Capuchinbird
    Valdano Samson Yellow-breasted Flycatcher young bird
    Sylvain Uriot Agami Heron in a colony in French Guyane
    idem Anhinga
    idem Hoatzin
    Michel Giraud-Audine Spot-breasted Woodpecker
    idem Neotropic Cormorant
    idem Capped Heron

    Additions to this site during January, February 2017:

  • The following birds have a new picture on this site :


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    Chris Droogh Curve-billed Scythebill First picture from Suriname
    Jan Ranson Gray-cheeked Thrush Rare migrant on higher places
    Armida Madngisa Ochre-bellied Flycatcher
    Cheryll Pale-tailed Barbthroat A rare hummingbird from Para
    Ton Plug Chestnut-vented Conebill First documented nest in Suriname
    Dennis Binda Black-collared Swallow
    idem Black-collared Hawk
    idem Black Nunbird
    idem Black-necked Aracari
    idem Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
    idem Black-tailed Tityra
    Stephan Ferrier Green Kingfisher
    Valdano Samson Hook-billed Kite
    idem Osprey
    Jan Boef Black Nunbird

  • Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites Last update: September 2024 by Jan Hein Ribot. Please mail your comments, photos to: jhribot ( residing at ) gmail (point!) com.
    observations can be uploaded to or ).