plantage Peperpot (hotspot) Dutch text English text Vogels in Suriname/Birds in Suriname

The table gives all the birds that I could find reported to be observed (seen, heard, caught) in the 'Plantage Peperpot', just across the river from Paramaribo in Suriname. Peperpot is an old coffee plantation, now with a superb nature track. The entrance is 6 km from the bridge along the main road (Oost-West verbinding). The photo of the Tiger-heron was made there by Dominiek Plouvier.

All birds of one species seen on the same day are counted as one observation. The list of reports starts in January 1946 with an observation of the Arrowhead Piculet by judge Francois Haverschmidt, a bird only known from Suriname.

All of the names in the table are linked to pages on this website that describe the bird, and sometimes have one or more photos, sounds or videos of it.
The table was created by J.H. Ribot, with the help of many birders.

regel 46

Birds in this hotspot
(305 species)
Number of
Great Tinamou1
Cinereous Tinamou95
Little Tinamou2
Variegated Tinamou1
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck1
Muscovy Duck2
Variable Chachalaca12
Neotropic Cormorant1
Rufescent Tiger-Heron23
Agami Heron4
Boat-billed Heron5
Least Bittern1
Stripe-backed Bittern1
Black-crowned Night-Heron3
Striated Heron32
Cattle Egret29
Cocoi Heron4
Great Egret4
Capped Heron7
Tricolored Heron5
Snowy Egret13
Little Blue Heron8
Scarlet Ibis3
Green Ibis43
Wood Stork1
Turkey Vulture56
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture16
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture44
Black Vulture71
King Vulture2
White-tailed Kite11
Hook-billed Kite28
Gray-headed Kite8
Crested Eagle1
Black Hawk-Eagle20
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle5
Ornate Hawk-Eagle1
Black-collared Hawk42
Snail Kite42
Slender-billed Kite80
Plumbeous Kite12
Long-winged Harrier4
Crane Hawk40
Rufous Crab-Hawk1
Savanna Hawk12
Great Black-Hawk10
Roadside Hawk87
White Hawk2
Gray-lined Hawk58
Short-tailed Hawk1
Laughing Falcon36
Collared Forest-Falcon6
Black Caracara2
Yellow-headed Caracara48
Bat Falcon8
Orange-breasted Falcon1
Aplomado Falcon1
Peregrine Falcon7
Gray-necked Wood-Rail20
Russet-crowned Crake2
Rufous-sided Crake1
Gray-breasted Crake2
Ash-throated Crake1
Paint-billed Crake1
Purple Gallinule1
Azure Gallinule7
American Golden-Plover6
Southern Lapwing1
Semipalmated Plover6
South American Snipe3
Upland Sandpiper3
Spotted Sandpiper18
Lesser Yellowlegs2
Solitary Sandpiper9
Semipalmated Sandpiper5
Pectoral Sandpiper1
Buff-breasted Sandpiper1
Wattled Jacana21
Laughing Gull1
Yellow-billed Tern1
Large-billed Tern2
Pale-vented Pigeon15
Plumbeous Pigeon1
Ruddy Pigeon1
White-tipped Dove15
Gray-fronted Dove67
Common Ground-Dove1
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove3
Ruddy Ground-Dove46
Lilac-tailed Parrotlet1
Golden-winged Parakeet1
Dusky Parrot2
Blue-headed Parrot18
Mealy Parrot1
Orange-winged Parrot72
Green-rumped Parrotlet61
Black-headed Parrot2
Red-fan Parrot1
Brown-throated Parakeet16
Red-bellied Macaw2
Blue-and-yellow Macaw2
Chestnut-fronted Macaw10
White-eyed Parakeet2
Little Cuckoo70
Squirrel Cuckoo43
Black-bellied Cuckoo1
Dark-billed Cuckoo2
Yellow-billed Cuckoo4
Greater Ani19
Smooth-billed Ani39
Striped Cuckoo34
Barn Owl8
Tropical Screech-Owl8
Spectacled Owl3
Striped Owl7
Great Potoo64
Common Potoo4
Common Pauraque2
Band-rumped Swift6
Short-tailed Swift56
Fork-tailed Palm-Swift3
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift19
White-necked Jacobin20
Rufous-breasted Hermit44
Pale-tailed Barbthroat1
Little Hermit23
Reddish Hermit2
Straight-billed Hermit1
Long-tailed Hermit9
Green-tailed Goldenthroat3
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird8
Green-throated Mango12
Black-throated Mango34
Tufted Coquette6
Long-billed Starthroat1
Blue-tailed Emerald1
Blue-chinned Sapphire12
Gray-breasted Sabrewing1
Fork-tailed Woodnymph1
Plain-bellied Emerald5
Glittering-throated Emerald62
Rufous-throated Sapphire2
White-chinned Sapphire5
Green-backed Trogon54
Guianan Trogon1
Ringed Kingfisher30
Amazon Kingfisher1
Green Kingfisher4
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher8
American Pygmy Kingfisher36
Green-tailed Jacamar64
Pied Puffbird7
Spotted Puffbird41
Swallow-winged Puffbird2
Black-spotted Barbet48
White-throated Toucan13
Channel-billed Toucan1
Green Aracari3
Black-necked Aracari21
Golden-spangled Piculet1
Arrowhead Piculet100
Red-crowned Woodpecker1
Golden-collared Woodpecker1
Blood-colored Woodpecker85
Spot-breasted Woodpecker18
Chestnut Woodpecker8
Cream-colored Woodpecker34
Ringed Woodpecker1
Lineated Woodpecker21
Red-necked Woodpecker2
Crimson-crested Woodpecker17
Long-tailed Woodcreeper1
Plain-brown Woodcreeper3
Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper14
Black-banded Woodcreeper1
Striped Woodcreeper14
Buff-throated Woodcreeper17
Straight-billed Woodcreeper69
Plain Xenops4
Yellow-chinned Spinetail11
Plain-crowned Spinetail46
Pale-breasted Spinetail3
Black-throated Antshrike1
Great Antshrike39
Black-crested Antshrike97
Barred Antshrike32
Northern Slaty-Antshrike1
Amazonian Antshrike1
Cinereous Antshrike1
Guianan Streaked-Antwren7
White-flanked Antwren14
Blackish Antbird64
White-browed Antbird14
Black-chinned Antbird10
Silvered Antbird54
Black-headed Antbird3
Spot-winged Antbird1
Black-throated Antbird55
Rufous-capped Antthrush1
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet35
Forest Elaenia13
Yellow-crowned Elaenia21
Yellow-bellied Elaenia29
White-lored Tyrannulet1
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet35
Mouse-colored Tyrannulet16
Guianan Tyrannulet2
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher20
Pale-tipped Tyrannulet27
Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant1
Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant23
Spotted Tody-Flycatcher25
Common Tody-Flycatcher33
Painted Tody-Flycatcher54
Yellow-olive Flycatcher5
Gray-crowned Flycatcher12
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher30
Royal Flycatcher19
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher1
Fuscous Flycatcher8
Pied Water-Tyrant17
White-headed Marsh-Tyrant13
Piratic Flycatcher64
Rusty-margined Flycatcher87
Great Kiskadee93
Lesser Kiskadee24
Yellow-throated Flycatcher5
Streaked Flycatcher14
Boat-billed Flycatcher64
Tropical Kingbird68
Fork-tailed Flycatcher26
Gray Kingbird7
Grayish Mourner1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher3
Short-crested Flycatcher53
Cinnamon Attila91
Bright-rumped Attila1
Bare-necked Fruitcrow8
Blue-backed Manakin1
Crimson-hooded Manakin30
Black-crowned Tityra5
Black-tailed Tityra4
Dusky Purpletuft1
Cinereous Becard32
White-winged Becard33
Red-eyed Vireo2
Ashy-headed Greenlet90
Southern Rough-winged Swallow4
Brown-chested Martin1
Gray-breasted Martin61
Southern Martin1
White-winged Swallow23
Bank Swallow1
Barn Swallow10
House Wren56
Coraya Wren2
Buff-breasted Wren90
Tropical Gnatcatcher76
Black-capped Donacobius22
Pale-breasted Thrush81
Cocoa Thrush2
Spectacled Thrush33
Tropical Mockingbird33
Black-faced Tanager1
Hooded Tanager41
Gray-headed Tanager4
White-lined Tanager22
Silver-beaked Tanager100
Blue-gray Tanager98
Palm Tanager79
Turquoise Tanager77
Red-legged Honeycreeper13
Chestnut-vented Conebill4
Blue-black Grassquit13
Wing-barred Seedeater36
Lesson's Seedeater9
Ruddy-breasted Seedeater3
Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch1
Buff-throated Saltator1
Olive gray Saltator20
Summer Tanager1
Blue-black Grosbeak4
Northern Waterthrush1
Masked Yellowthroat1
Hyp.: Blackburnian Warbler1
Yellow Warbler26
Crested Oropendola112
Yellow-rumped Cacique60
Red-rumped Cacique2
Epaulet Oriole1
Yellow Oriole4
Yellow-hooded Blackbird5
Giant Cowbird19
Shiny Cowbird13
Carib Grackle1
Red-breasted Blackbird11
Finsch's Euphonia12
Violaceous Euphonia88
White-vented Euphonia1

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