The table gives all the birds that I could find reported to be observed (seen, heard, caught) in the surroundings of Palumeu. The number indicates the number of times an observer made a report that was processed into my database (high numbers for the screaming piha and for the blue-headed parrot, you are really deep in the rainforest overthere). All birds of one species seen on the same day are counted as one observation. The first observations were made in 1961, apart from a harpy eagle catched there in 1907. There have not yet been many visits and reports of the region, compared to Ralleigh Falls or Brownsberg. Palumeu is an indian village with very good accomodations for ecotourists.
All of the names in the table are linked to pages on this website that describe the bird, and sometimes have one or more photos, sounds or videos of it. The table was created by J.H. Ribot, with the help of many birders.